Monday, January 10, 2011

Despicable me...NOT!

Now I dont know about you, but struggle sometimes to find a decent movie for my children in the movies that dont have a darkside that either freaks them out or shows them things they dont need to see....for this reason I try not to go to the movies with them unless it has been previewed by myself or my hubby.

One good movie my Despicable Me...I love the story that it tells.
That a sad, lonely bordering on evil man can find happiness when showed love.
Now thats a message I want me children to showing love to someone you can change their heart.


  1. We love Despicable Me as well. At first I wasn't sure, but as the movie progressed I found myself liking it more and more.

    Now my kids quote the movie lines everywhere. :)

  2. my chicken goes around singing...I'm having a bad bad day...or unicorn for being my first comment on my new blog...yehh...xx
